Warragul & Drouin Gazette

50 years ago


- The Gazette, July 23, 1974


The West Gippsland Regional Library service cannot exist next year without massive outside financial help.

Regional librarian Mr Gordon Dadswell said this today.

With full district support, Mr Dadswell and the regional library committee is trying all avenues of finance to keep the regional service in operation.

Warragul and Buln Buln shires have said if the state government does not give a $25,000 capital grant to cover administra­tion costs of the regional service, they would have to pull out of the regional library.

Mr Dadswell said increased running costs had followed “staggering” salary increases in the past year.

At present, the regional library service caters for the municipali­ties of Warragul, Buln

Federal Member for McMillan Mr Arthur Hewson has been recalled from overseas for the historic joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament, expected to take place within the next two weeks.

Opposition Leader of the House and Deputy Leader of the Country Party Mr Ian Sinclair said Mr Hewson’s contributi­on to the joint sitting would be an important one.

He added: “Mr Hewson has been officially representi­ng the Australian Government at the Commonweal­th Parliament­ary Associatio­n Conference in London.

“It will be necessary for Mr Hewson to be sworn in the House of Representa­tives before he can take his seat at the joint meeting.”

Mr Hewson was overseas when the other Members of the House were sworn in.

Speaking from Ireland, Mr Hewson said now the conference was over, he had hoped to take a two week break to visit relatives he had not seen for many years.

He added: “I am making arrangemen­ts to fly back immediatel­y and I hope to be in Canberra by next Tuesday, July 23 (today).” Seven members honoured

Seven people, who together have given 146 years’ service to Warragul Fire Brigade, were honoured at a special ceremony in the Warragul Club.

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