Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Going dry for cancer funds

- Emma Ballingall


With a sister and aunt battling brain tumours, Warragul teacher Lauren Clapperton vowed to go dry this July.

And, with a cousin who died of Hodgkin lymphoma at just 21-years-old, her entire family has jumped on board.

The Clapperton-South team of 13 people has raised just shy of $20,000 to be ranked fifth on the national tally board for “Dry July”.

But, they need your help to raise more vital funds.

Lauren and her cousin Steven South say three people from one family fighting this deadly disease “is three too many.”

Raising funds for St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, where Lauren’s sister Kate Clapperton and aunt Ruth South gain treatment, allows the family to witness day-to-day benefits for them and fellow patients.

Steven explained he was the first to join “Dry July” two years ago after his mum Ruth was diagnosed.

Acknowledg­ing his love of indulging in a few beverages, Steven said nobody believed he could go alcohol-free for an entire month.

“I ended up getting pretty good donations,” he said of his individual crusade in 2022. “It’s hard to do, but it’s not as hard in comparison to what other people are going through.”

It also serves to remember his brother Matthew who died in 2007.

When his brother was sick, Steven said he was told the best thing he could do was donate blood.

However, with his mum, he was keen to make a direct difference to patients, and “Dry July” offered that chance.

Able to choose where his funds were allocated, Steven selected St Vincent’s Hospital where his mum was being treated.

Having seen Steven’s effort and with her sister diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2018 after already overcoming leukaemia in 2001, Lauren joined Dry July last year. Along with other family, they raised a staggering $16,000.

These funds helped the hospital purchase a coffee machine, heat pads and other patient comforts, she said.

“When you donate, a lot of the time, you don’t know where money goes,” Lauren said of other cancer funds. “But it feels like we are doing something and giving something back.”

“St Vincent’s isn’t a major cancer hospital so we’re fundraisin­g for that section,” Steven added.

Growing up together in Cockatoo, Lauren said the family was close but inevitably went their separate ways as adults. Now, Dry July, brings them back together and has created a stronger bond as they support their family members through cancer treatment.

“It starts a conversati­on,” Lauren added. “When you start talking to people, everyone is affected by cancer in some way.”

Raising funds via work, friends, sporting clubs and morning teas, Lauren said “people are so generous.”

The team has already raised $19,621 and look set to easily surpass its $20,000 aim.

The team currently sits fifth on the national leader board, less than $1000 behind the team led by ex-AFL player and media personalit­y Billy Brownless.

The Dry July cause will see 29,731 people from 2385 teams go alcohol-free for the month. The cause has already raised $4.8 million to provide services for cancer patients. This includes lifts to appointmen­ts, guidance from specialise­d nurses, access to therapy programs or beds close to treatment.

As an added benefit, those taking part gain great health benefits with sleep, more energy and, of course, no hangovers.

To donate to Lauren and her team, click on the QR code or visit dryjuly.com

Local residents are invited to help plant 1200 new native plants at Drouin West on Sunday.

The community tree planting event at Robin Hood Reserve has been organised by Baw Baw Shire to celebrate National Tree Day.

Running from 10am to 1pm, it is a great opportunit­y for residents to help improve the habitat of native wildlife, meet new people and enjoy a free barbecue.

Those attending are urged to wear suitable clothes and bring a drink bottle, gardening gloves and sturdy footwear.

National Tree Day is Australia’s largest tree planting and nature care event, aiming to plant one million native trees.

For further informatio­n, visit bawbawshir­e.co/2024nation­altreeday

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