Warragul & Drouin Gazette

New stadium opens for community day


Free sports clinics, food and coffee trucks, face painting and indoor games will be held to officially open Warragul’s new stadium on Sunday.

The ribbon cutting and formalitie­s will be held at 2.30pm, with local residents able to visit the new two-court stadium at the Warragul Leisure Centre during celebratio­ns running from 10am to 4pm.

Baw Baw Shire said the stadium expansion, valued at more than $12.8 million, was one of its largest ever recreation­al projects.

Council committed $6.8 million for the stadium, with the state government contributi­ng $6 million via its community sports infrastruc­ture stimulus program.

Featuring two new indoor basketball/netball courts, spectator seating and new cafe, Baw Baw Shire mayor Annemarie McCabe said she was thrilled to see the new stadium in use in recent weeks and invited the wider community to come along to check it out and be part of the official opening festivitie­s.

With site works commencing in January 2023, Cr McCabe said “this major project has been long-awaited by our community.”

“I am proud that between council and the state government, we can provide these new, modern facilities, furthering opportunit­ies for our local kids and families to take part in sport and get active, close to home,” she said.

Local basketball­ers were the first to hit the courts for a 3x Cup tournament on July 8, with a Deadly Hoops basketball game following

Does your community group need funding for a much-needed project, program, event or equipment?

Applicatio­ns are currently open for Baw as part of NAIDOC Week on July 12. Baw Shire’s community projects grants. But,

Regular basketball and netball fixtures round one applicatio­ns close this Friday. were played at the courts last week. Baw Baw Shire mayor Annemarie McCabe

However, Sunday’s official opening will be encouraged community groups to submit an the first chance for the wider community to applicatio­n and make the most of the opportunit­y gain full access to the stadium. to receive extra financial support. Youngsters can participat­e in basketball “We’re very proud of our local community

asnd and netball clinics during the morning groups and the work they undertake to make well as other family-friendly activities. our community a better place to live,” Cr McCabe

Linked to the existing two-court stadium, said. “As a council, we want to do anything the new facility also boasts a first aid room, we can to help them succeed.” changeroom­s - including a Changing Places With council providing just under assessible changeroom for people with a disability, $300,000 in financial assistance through its multi-purpose rooms, storage facilities community grants in the past 12 months, Cr and new carpark off Wills St. McCabe said “we’re looking to offer more in the current round”.

“Enquire today and see if you’re eligible for this extra assistance and speak to other local community groups who have been successful in the past, to find out the best way to make your applicatio­n shine,” she urged.

Council’s community grants program provides not-for-profit community groups and organisati­ons with funding.

It has two funding streams - community projects and minor capital works. However, applicatio­ns are only open for community projects, closing at noon on Friday.

Visit bawbawshir­e.vic.gov.au/communityg­rants to find out more.

To enquire about submitting an applicatio­n, contact the community grants team on 1300 229 229 or grants@bawbawshir­e.vic.gov.au.

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