Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Safe driving for winter conditions


Police have issued winter driving reminders as they wrap up “Operation Regal”.

Baw Baw police officers were out and about during the traffic operation, targeting speed, drunk and drug driving, fatigue and mobile phone use, over the threeday King’s Birthday weekend.

Police have issued a warning for snow goers to be prepared after more than 3600 vehicles being turned around by police and authorised officers at Mt Hotham last year for not carrying mandatory snow chains.

With random checks on roads leading to all snow resorts - including Mt Baw Baw - Eastern Region superinten­dent Shane Cashman warned police would adopt a zero-tolerance policy.

He said wheel chains were vital for navigating snowy or icy roads, and could be the difference between staying safe on roads or sliding off and being involved in a serious accident. Failure to carry chains may result in a $370 fine, while not fitting them could lead to a $970 penalty.

“We want travellers to create memories on the slopes, and not on the roadside,” superinten­dent Cashman said.

“If you’re driving in poor weather and contending with conditions like rain, ice or snow, please use common sense - slow down, keep a safe braking distance and use your headlights to see and be seen,” he said.

Travellers venturing outside their resort are also urged to always inform someone of their plans after 19 search and rescue incidents last year.

“Conditions can change rapidly in the snow, so make sure you’re prepared, even if you’re a seasoned snow-goer,” superinten­dent Cashman added.

Other tips for those heading to the snow are:

Ensure your car’s radiator is filled with anti-freeze and, if diesel, use Alpine Mix;

Drive cautiously with gradual pressure on the accelerato­r to avoid wheel spin;

Brake gently and avoid unnecessar­y gear changes;

Maintain a safe braking distance from vehicles in front, especially in poor visibility;

Let someone know where you are going and how long you will be;

Regularly check weather and snow conditions as conditions can change quickly; and,

If lost - stop, seek shelter, call Triple Zero (000) and wait.

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