The Guardian Australia

Zimbabwe outlines plan to cull scores of elephants to feed people after drought


Zimbabwean authoritie­s have outlined plans to cull 200 elephants to feed communitie­s facing acute hunger after the worst drought in four decades.

The El Niño-induced drought wiped out crops in southern Africa, affecting 68 million people and causing food shortages across the region.

“We can confirm that we are planning to cull about 200 elephants across the country. We are working on modalities on how we are going to do it,” said Tinashe Farawo, a spokespers­on for the Zimbabwe parks and wildlife authority.

He said the elephant meat would be distribute­d to communitie­s in Zimbabwe hit by the drought.

The cull, the first in the country since 1988, was first reported on Friday, and follows neighbouri­ng Namibia’s decision last month to cull 83 elephants and distribute meat to people affected by the drought.

It will take place in Hwange, Mbire, Tsholotsho and Chiredzi districts.

More than 200,000 elephants are estimated to live in a conservati­on area spread over five southern African countries – Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Angola and Namibia – making the region home to one of the largest elephant population­s worldwide.

Farawo said the culling is also part of the country’s efforts to decongest its parks, which can sustain only 55,000 elephants. Zimbabwe is home to more than 84,000 elephants.

“It’s an effort to decongest the parks in the face of drought. The numbers are just a drop in the ocean because we are talking of 200 [elephants] and we are sitting on plus 84,000, which is big,” he said.

With such a severe drought, human-wildlife conflicts can escalate as resources become scarcer. Last year, 50 people were killed in elephant attacks in Zimbabwe.

The country, which is lauded for its conservati­on efforts and growing its elephant population, has been lobbying the UN’s Convention on Internatio­nal Trade in Endangered Species to reopen trade of ivory and live elephants.

Zimbabwe has about $600,000 (£450,000) worth of ivory stockpiles which it cannot sell.

 ?? Photograph: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters ?? Elephants in Hwange national park. The cull will take place in four districts and follows a decision by neighbouri­ng Namibia to cull 83 elephants.
Photograph: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters Elephants in Hwange national park. The cull will take place in four districts and follows a decision by neighbouri­ng Namibia to cull 83 elephants.

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