The Guardian Australia

US intelligen­ce officials say Iran behind Trump campaign hack

- Sam Levin

US intelligen­ce officials have confirmed that Iran was behind a hack of Donald Trump’s presidenti­al campaign, authoritie­s said on Monday.

In a joint statement, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligen­ce and the Cybersecur­ity and Infrastruc­ture Security Agency said it attributed “recently reported activities to compromise former President Trump’s campaign” to Iran, and that the intelligen­ce community is “confident that the Iranians have through social engineerin­g and other efforts sought access to individual­s with direct access to the presidenti­al campaigns of both political parties”.

Iran’s efforts include “thefts and disclosure­s” and “are intended to influence the US election process”, the statement said.

The announceme­nt comes a week after several news organizati­ons, including the New York Times, the Washington Post and Politico, reported that they had received internal campaign records, including a dossier on Ohio senator JD Vance, Trump’s running mate.

The former president had blamed the Iranian government in the immediate aftermath, saying Microsoft informed the campaign about the hack. Trump also asserted that “only publicly available informatio­n” was taken.

Last week, Kamala Harris’s campaign said the FBI had warned that it had been targeted by foreign hackers. Officials with the vice-president’s campaign said its cybersecur­ity measures had successful­ly thwarted the hacking attempt.

The hacking efforts were part of a broader campaign to impact the US election, the intelligen­ce officials’ statement said: “Iran perceives this year’s elections to be particular­ly consequent­ial in terms of the impact they could have on its national security interests, increasing Tehran’s inclinatio­n to try to shape the outcome. We have observed increasing­ly aggressive Iranian activity during this election cycle, specifical­ly involving influence operations targeting the American public and cyber operations targeting presidenti­al campaigns.”

The FBI has been in contact with victims of the hacking and “will con

tinue to investigat­e and gather informatio­n in order to pursue and disrupt the threat actors responsibl­e”, the statement said, adding: “We will not tolerate foreign efforts to influence or interfere with our elections, including the targeting of American political campaigns.”

In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was hacked, leading to the release of internal emails, which became a major controvers­y in the presidenti­al campaign. Russian intelligen­ce officers were later indicted for that hack.

 ?? Photograph: Tierney L Cross/Getty Images ?? Donald Trump at a campaign event in Pennsylvan­ia on Monday.
Photograph: Tierney L Cross/Getty Images Donald Trump at a campaign event in Pennsylvan­ia on Monday.

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