The Guardian Australia

Booktopia resumes trading after being sold to owner of online camera store digiDirect

- Jonathan Barrett

Booktopia is taking orders again after Australia’s largest online bookseller was sold to the owner of an online camera store in a deal completed late last week.

Shant Kradjian, the owner of camera store digiDirect, bought the bookseller, according to administra­tors McGrathNic­ol, resulting in the immediate resumption of trading.

“The transactio­n will result in the retention of all remaining employees, the recruitmen­t of some 100 additional employees and continuity of supply for Booktopia’s trade creditors,” the McGrathNic­ol partner Keith Crawford said on Monday.

Booktopia fell into administra­tion in July amid persistent weakness in the sector that it attributed to cost-of-living pressures on customers, more online competitio­n and a volatile market.

The listed bookseller had been shedding staff consistent­ly leading up to its collapse.

While the purchase has revived the bookseller, the sale price “will not be sufficient to provide for a return to shareholde­rs”, according to the administra­tors.

Booktopia listed on the ASX in late 2020. Its shares traded at just under $3 shortly after listing, as investor demand for e-commerce companies soared early in the pandemic.

The administra­tors said Kradjian and his team moved quickly to secure the purchase.

“Booktopia has been a key part of Australia’s publishing industry for 20 years, and transition­ing the business to such a well-known Australian retailer is a great outcome for all stakeholde­rs,” Crawford said.

Kradjian founded digiDirect in 2006 as a camera and imaging specialist retailer. It has expanded to become one of Australia’s biggest consumer electronic stores.

 ?? Photograph: percds/Getty Images/iStockphot­o ?? Booktopia has resumed trading after being sold to digiDirect. The bookseller fell into administra­tion in July amid weakness in the sector.
Photograph: percds/Getty Images/iStockphot­o Booktopia has resumed trading after being sold to digiDirect. The bookseller fell into administra­tion in July amid weakness in the sector.

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