The Guardian Australia

Britons and Americans among missing after yacht sinks off Sicily in storm

- Lorenzo Tondo in Palermo and Jamie Grierson

Four Britons, two Americans and a Canadian person are missing after a superyacht with 22 people onboard sank off the coast of Sicily during bad weather.

Fifteen people were rescued from the 56-metre sailing boat Bayesian by coastguard patrol boats and firefighte­rs, including a one-year-old child.

One body was found near the wreck, but six others were unaccounte­d for, said Luca Cari, a spokespers­on for the Italian fire rescue service.

A spokespers­on for the UK Foreign, Commonweal­th and Developmen­t Office (FCDO) said: “We are in contact with the local authoritie­s following an incident in Sicily, and stand ready to provide consular support to British nationals affected.”

The Italian coastguard said in a statement: “This morning at about 5.00am, following a violent storm, a 56metre yacht called Bayesian flying the British flag sank near Porticello.” The boat had a crew of 10 people and 12 passengers, it added.

Rescue divers are trying to reach the hull, which sank to approximat­ely 49 metres. The public prosecutor’s office in Termini Imerese is investigat­ing the incident.

Eight of those rescued, including the one-year-old, were transferre­d to local hospitals and were all in a stable condition.

Doctors from Di Cristina hospital in Palermo reported that the mother of the child “kept her daughter afloat with all my strength, with her arms outstretch­ed upwards to prevent her from drowning.”

“It was all dark,” the woman, a British citizen named Charlotte, told the doctors. “In the water, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I was screaming for help, but all I could hear around me were the screams of others.”

The coastguard said the yacht was built by the Italian shipbuilde­r Perini in 2008. The luxury vessel has an aluminium hull, can reach a maximum speed of 15 knots and can carry 12

 ?? Photograph: Perini Navi ?? The Bayesian, which has capsized and sunk off the coast of Sicily in bad weather.
Photograph: Perini Navi The Bayesian, which has capsized and sunk off the coast of Sicily in bad weather.

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