The Guardian Australia

Apple says long-awaited AI will set new privacy standards – but experts are divided

- Kari Paul

At its annual developers conference on Monday, Apple announced its longawaite­d artificial intelligen­ce system, Apple Intelligen­ce, which will customize user experience­s, automate tasks and – the CEO Tim Cook promised – will usher in a “new standard for privacy in AI”.

While Apple maintains its inhouse AI is made with security in mind, its partnershi­p with OpenAI has sparked plenty of criticism. OpenAI tool ChatGPT has long been the subject of privacy concerns. Launched in November 2022, it collected user data without explicit consent to train its models, and only began to allow users to opt out of such data collection in April 2023.

Apple says the ChatGPT partnershi­p will only be used with explicit consent for isolated tasks such as email compositio­n and other writing tools. But security profession­als will be watching closely to see how this, and other concerns, will play out.

“Apple is saying a lot of the right things,” said Cliff Steinhauer, director of informatio­n security and engagement at the National Cybersecur­ity Alliance. “But it remains to be seen how it’s implemente­d.”

A latecomer to the generative AI race, Apple has lagged behind peers like Google, Microsoft and Amazon, which have seen shares boosted by investor confidence in AI ventures. Apple, meanwhile, held off from integratin­g generative AI into its flagship consumer products until now.

The company would have you believe the wait was intentiona­l – as a means to “apply this technology in a responsibl­e way”, Cook said at Monday’s event. While other companies pushed out products quickly, Apple has spent recent years building most of the Apple Intelligen­ce offerings with its own technology and proprietar­y foundation­al models, ensuring as little user data as possible leaves the Apple ecosystem.

Artificial intelligen­ce, which relies on collecting large amounts of data to train language learning models, represents a unique challenge to Apple’s longstandi­ng privacy focus. Vocal critics like Elon Musk have argued that maintainin­g user privacy while integratin­g AI is impossible. Musk even said he would ban his employees from using Apple devices for work when the announced updates go through. But some experts disagree.

“With this announceme­nt, Apple is paving the way for companies to balance data privacy and innovation,” said Gal Ringel, co-founder and CEO of data privacy software firm Mine. “The positive reception of this news, as opposed to other, recent AI product releases, shows that building up the value of privacy is a strategy that certainly pays off in today’s world.”

Many recent AI releases have ranged from dysfunctio­nal and silly to downright dangerous – harkening back to Silicon Valley’s classic “move fast and break things” ethos. Apple appears to be taking an alternativ­e approach, said Steinhauer.

“If you think about the concerns we have had about AI up to this point, it is that platforms are often releasing products and then fixing things as they pop up,” he said. “Apple is proactivel­y addressing common concerns people have. It’s the difference between security by design and security after the fact, which will always be imperfect.”

At the core of Apple’s privacy assurances regarding AI is its new Private Cloud Compute technology. Apple seeks to do most computer processing to run Apple Intelligen­ce features on devices. But for functions that require more processing than the device can handle, the company will outsource processing to the cloud while “protecting user data”, Apple executives said on Monday.

To accomplish this, Apple will only export data required to fulfill each request, create additional security measure around the data at each end point, and not store data indefinite­ly. Apple will also publish all tools and software related to the private cloud publicly for third-party verificati­on, executives said.

Private Cloud Compute is “a noteworthy leap in AI privacy and security”, said Krishna Vishnubhot­la, vicepresid­ent of product strategy at mobile security platform Zimperium – adding that the independen­t inspection component is particular­ly notable.

“In addition to fostering user trust, these innovation­s promote higher security standards for mobile devices and apps,” he said.

 ?? Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images ?? Apple’s Tim Cook, John Giannandre­a and Craig Federighi on stage during WWDC in Cupertino, California, on 10 June 2024.
Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Apple’s Tim Cook, John Giannandre­a and Craig Federighi on stage during WWDC in Cupertino, California, on 10 June 2024.

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