The Guardian Australia

Tyrone Pynor: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)

- Tyrone Pynor

Oh god – the internet. What a weird and wonderful place! My relationsh­ip with surfing the world wide web goes back to the time I would steal my older sister’s phone to log into Facebook so I could update my status to “like 4 a tbh”, only for her to then wake up with no credit left on her phone.

Better to ask forgivenes­s then permission: the internet taught me that. So here are some unforgivin­gly funny things I’ve come across.

1. Aunty Tala

It only feels right starting with one of my earliest memories from the internet. My brother would religiousl­y watch The Laughing Samoans on long train rides growing up and we would be in hysterics on the train! Aunty Tala was peak comedy for us.

2. Jessie J’s Price Tag

This has no reason to be this funny, but this will always cheer me up … she ate, and she broke! It! Down!

3.Black person? RACE?!

It is so me-coded to turn everything into race or sexuality.

4. Yes I did that!

I believe wholeheart­edly that I can’t go one whole week without quoting this word for word, and honestly … you would do it too, for a cheque.

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5. Joanne the Scammer

I’m not too sure if the era of Joanne

The Scammer is a niche one but my god it was a funny one. Everything about her. The attitude, the confidence, the scandals!

6. It was fookin wunnuyaz

I’m sorry but if you haven’t seen this iconic clip then I don’t really know what to tell you, just that you missed a great cover of Cher Lloyd by Cher Lloyd.

7. OK I like it … Picasso

I strive to be this unbothered in all that I see and do.

8. David’s dead

A classic Big Brother clip built on miscommuni­cation. As a viewer you know what’s playing out in front of you and it just gets progressiv­ely funnier.

9. Alex Consani

“Transsexua­ls RISE!”

“It IS a Jersey Remix summer.” “… Well, yes!”

10. Barbie or Bratz? BBQ

She said what she said! We are the same person.

Tyrone Pynor co-hosts Triple J Drive weekdays 3:30pm-7pm

 ?? Photograph: ABC ?? Tyrone Pynor: ‘Better to ask forgivenes­s than permission. The internet taught me that.’
Photograph: ABC Tyrone Pynor: ‘Better to ask forgivenes­s than permission. The internet taught me that.’

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