The Guardian Australia

The Guardian view on Macron’s gamble: playing with political fire

- Editorial

Ahead of Sunday’s European election results, attention was understand­ably focused on the impact of a potential farright surge on the balance of power in Brussels institutio­ns. In the event, the pan-European centre held, just about, with more moderate conservati­ve parties generally enjoying a good night. But that was not even close to being the main headline of the evening.

Emmanuel Macron’s shock decision to call snap legislativ­e elections, after a humiliatin­g defeat at the hands of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party (RN), is a gamble of the highest order, taken from a position of weakness. Even by the standards of a president who created his own movement to demolish the traditiona­l centre-left and centre-right, it is a surprising­ly risky move. In a Sunday evening address, Mr Macron told the nation that it was a necessary one in order to “clarify” a result that saw the extreme right win a combined 40% of the vote. That clarificat­ion, when it comes on 7 July, may or may not be welcome.

Mr Macron will hope to call the bluff of a substantia­l section of the electorate, calculatin­g that voters who cast a protest ballot at the weekend will think again when confronted with the possibilit­y of Ms Le Pen’s protege, Jordan Bardella, becoming prime minister next month. Alternativ­ely, he may believe that a period of “cohabitati­on” with an RN-led government would usefully demonstrat­e the radical right’s unfitness for office, spiking its guns before the climactic presidenti­al contest due in 2027. Lacking a majority in the national assembly, Mr Macron may also aspire to unite moderate parties behind him at what one leading politician described as “five minutes to midnight”. A two-round voting system for parliament­ary elections – and a higher turnout – at least means that Ms Le Pen’s candidates will have to fight harder for victory than at the weekend.

But in truth no one knows what happens now. As David Cameron discovered after pledging a Brexit referendum, following stellar European results for Nigel Farage’s Ukip in 2014, bold gambits can deliver very nasty surprises. The most likely outcome of Mr Macron’s dice-rolling appears to be an increased RN presence in a fractious, fragmented and paralysed parliament. Such stasis would surely be grist to Ms Le Pen’s mill ahead of 2027. It would also be destabilis­ing for the rest of Europe, after elections that saw radicalrig­ht parties top the polls in Italy and Austria, and the AfD finish second in Germany despite being mired in scandal for months.

Crucially, mainstream pro-European parties still hold a clear majority in the European parliament, and will control the horse-trading over appointmen­ts to the new European Commission. But the weekend’s polls confirmed that Euroscepti­c nationalis­t movements once confined to the margins are becoming normalised and growing in influence. Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party, the heir to postwar neo-fascist movements, increased its vote share compared with its winning general election result of 2022. That performanc­e consolidat­es Ms Meloni’s position as one of the leading power brokers in Brussels politics. Depressing­ly, Europe’s rightward lurch on themes such as the green transition and immigratio­n looks set to continue.

For the next month, though, all eyes will be on France. In the context of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine and wider geopolitic­al volatility, Mr Macron has been a vociferous and welcome advocate of a more powerful, united and assertive Europe. He has now chosen to take on Ms Le Pen, who has a history of pro-Putin sympathies and yearns to disrupt the European Union from within, immediatel­y after the biggest victory of her political career. A fateful contest looms not just for France, but for the EU as a whole.

 ?? Photograph: Ludovic Marin/EPA ?? Emmanuel Macron speaks at a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversar­y of the second world war Oradour-sur-Glane massacre on 10 June 2024.
Photograph: Ludovic Marin/EPA Emmanuel Macron speaks at a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversar­y of the second world war Oradour-sur-Glane massacre on 10 June 2024.

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