The Guardian Australia

Trump’s Project 2025 plot would take ‘wrecking ball’ to US institutio­ns, key Democrat warns

- David Smith in Washington

The blueprint for a potential second Donald Trump presidency known as Project 25 would take “a wrecking ball” to America’s democratic norms and institutio­ns, a leading Democrat has warned.

Representa­tive Jared Huffman spoke to the Guardian ahead of the launch of a congressio­nal working group designed to sound the alarm about the rightwing roadmap and ensure that Trump never has the chance to implement its extreme agenda.

The near 900-page Project 2025 handbook was produced by the Heritage Foundation, a conservati­ve thinktank in Washington, as a manifesto for expanding the power of the presidency while dismantlin­g layers of government. It recommends purging the federal ranks of many appointed roles and stacking agencies with loyalists.

This would lay waste to democratic institutio­ns, checks on executive power, individual rights and freedoms, and church-state separation in order to impose a far-right agenda, Huffman said. “You can look at what they’re going to do to our democracy: weaponisin­g the Department of Justice, clearing away any norms that limit executive power.

“You can look at what they’re going to do to the civil service with ‘Schedule F’ [an executive order Trump issued in 2020 that sought to strip job protection­s from tens of thousands of federal employees], putting their political operatives throughout the government and firing people based on political loyalty to Donald Trump.

“[Look at] what they would obviously do for women’s reproducti­ve freedom and rolling back rights and protection­s for the LGBTQ community. Church-state separation – in the name of religious freedom, allowing all of this discrimina­tion and further embedding Christian privilege into our government and public policies. It goes on and on.”

Founding members of the Stop Project 2025 Task Force joining Huffman are Ted Lieu, vice chair of the Democratic Caucus; Nanette Barragán, chair of the Hispanic Caucus; Judy Chu, chair of the Asian Pacific American Caucus; Mark Pocan, chair of the Equality Caucus and Labor Caucus; Diana DeGette, co-chair of the ProChoice Caucus; Jamie Raskin, co-chair of the Freethough­t Caucus and ranking member of the House oversight committee; and Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Progressiv­e Caucus.

The Project 2025 document makes recommenda­tions across four broad fronts: restoring the family as the centrepiec­e of American life; dismantlin­g the administra­tive state; defending the nation’s sovereignt­y and borders; and securing “God-given” individual rights to live freely. That would translate into a fresh crackdown on reproducti­ve freedom and draconian immigratio­n laws – including even religious tests – within the first six months of a Trump presidency.

Huffman added: “What is new and different is that you have the most well-placed members of Team Trump, people that will hold senior positions in a second Trump presidency, openly proclaimin­g this is what they’re going to do, starting on day one. We’ve never seen this kind of sort of hubris and impunity.

“It is just a wrecking ball against everything that most of us hold dear about our country and our democracy, and that’s the biggest challenge we face … How do you explain that this really is what they’re going to do without overwhelmi­ng people?”

One answer, the California congressma­n hopes, is the taskforce, intended to serve as a central hub for members of Congress, civil society and affected communitie­s to coordinate on examining, highlighti­ng, preempting and counteract­ing what they see as a rightwing plot to undermine democracy.

Huffman explained: “It’s a two-part objective. One is to help the American people understand that this is real and that it’s coming, because if they do understand, I think they’re going to want no part of it.

“The second part is, in the unthinkabl­e, if Trump somehow manages to win, we’re not going to have the luxury of time. If we’re reacting to these things as they’re rolling out, or in any way caught off-guard, we’re going to lose, so we’ve got to be ready to to call it out and fight it in real time, and that means we need to really understand it now.”

Huffman – the only publicly declared non-religious member of the House of Representa­tives – is a cofounder of the Freethough­t Caucus and gravely concerned about maintainin­g the separation of church and state. The taskforce is set to hold a series of mock hearings in the coming months, with different members presiding depending on the subject matter.

A press release for the taskforce noted: “While Project 2025 is being run out of the Heritage Foundation, its advisors include former Trump White House aides like Stephen Miller, and more than half the groups supporting the effort have received $21.5m in funding from Leonard Leo’s dark-money network.”

The taskforce will work with outside groups includingA­ccountable US, the Brennan Center for Justice, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU and the Center for American Progress.

Many are already bracing for Project 2025 in the event of a Joe Biden defeat in November. The advocacy organisati­on Democracy Forward is preparing counter-measures including litigation to disrupt any effort to implement the radical plans.

Skye Perryman, president and CEO of Democracy Forward, said: “Project 2025 is one of the most profound threats the American people face today. From attacking reproducti­ve rights and workplace safety laws, to allowing more discrimina­tion, pollution and price gouging, the far-right interests behind Project 2025 are preparing to go to incredible lengths to implement a dangerous and deeply unpopular agenda.”

 ?? Photograph: Brian Snyder/Reuters ?? Trump at a campaign event in Waukesha, Wisconsin in May.
Photograph: Brian Snyder/Reuters Trump at a campaign event in Waukesha, Wisconsin in May.

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