The Guardian Australia

Call for port extension to be halted as genocide remains are found on Namibia’s Shark Island

- Caroline Kimeu in Nairobi

The Namibian authoritie­s are being urged to halt plans to extend a port on the Shark Island peninsula after the discovery of unmarked graves and artefacts relating to the Herero and Nama genocide.

Forensic Architectu­re, a non-profit research agency, said it had located sites of executions, forced labour, imprisonme­nt and sexual violence that occurred when the island was used by the German empire as a concentrat­ion camp between 1905 and 1907.

More than 65,000 Herero people and 10,000 Nama were killed by German troops between 1904 and 1908 in what is widely acknowledg­ed as the first genocide of the 20th century. The attack was in retaliatio­n for a revolt against colonial rule led by paramount chief Samuel Maharero. Many were killed in the camp on the island, which is now a peninsula.

Researcher­s said there was a “credible” risk that human remains could be found in the waters around the peninsula’s port, which the authoritie­s want to expand to support green hydrogen production along the country’s south coast. Historical accounts suggested people who died in the camp were “thrown to the sharks”, said Forensic Architectu­re.

Researcher­s have called for a moratorium on all developmen­t projects in the area and for wider investigat­ions into potential underwater graves. “Any prospectiv­e constructi­on needs to be stopped until these sites are fully protected, and thorough studies of the remains on the camp have been done,” said Agata Nguyen Chuong, a Forensic Architectu­re researcher.

“[The] constructi­ons will further desecrate and compromise Shark Island as a site of archaeolog­ical, historical and cultural heritage.”

Forensic Architectu­re worked with traditiona­l leaders to identify the locations of the genocide through historical accounts cross-referenced against archival photos, documents and satellite imagery. Ground radar was used to detect anomalies in the soil to identify mass graves.

The discoverie­s, published in April, have sparked renewed calls from traditiona­l leaders for the peninsula to be designated a historic site. The government recognised the area as a national heritage site in 2019, but communitie­s said it had made little difference to how the area was viewed.

The peninsula is now a tourist site, with camping facilities and beachside resorts, as well as a busy port.

“Shark Island is a sacred place,” said Paul Samuel Herero, Samuel Maharero’s great-great-grandson. “For us, it should be a monument. We want our people to be able to come and understand the pain and suffering of our forefather­s, who died a very painful death. Yet 34 years after independen­ce, my forefather­s are still yearning, pleading and begging for recognitio­n with the new Namibia.”

Sima Luipert, a genocide activist and representa­tive of the Nama Traditiona­l Leaders Associatio­n (NTLA), said: “The way the landscape has been changed over the years is starting to remove any traces of what happened there.

“The Namibian government is downplayin­g the severity and lasting impacts of the genocide, which is what we want to prevent.”

Prominent memorials commemorat­ing German colonial soldiers have been erected along the peninsula, while graves of communitie­s killed in the genocide remain largely unmarked. Earlier this month, communitie­s reerected a collapsed temporary tombstone honouring the victims of the genocide. Johannes Ortmann from the NTLA said: “Up to now … there has been no significan­t commemorat­ion put up [at Shark Island] for people to be aware of what happened there.”

Constructi­on at the port is set to begin early next year. Namport, the Namibian port authority, said it had commission­ed archaeolog­ical studies and was consulting with affected groups and the Namibia Heritage Council. Environmen­tal impact assessment­s were also being conducted.

The Namibia Wildlife Resorts, which manages tourism on the island, told the Guardian it had erected a noticeboar­d requesting tourists “offer the island the necessary dignity and respect as a sacred site”. While it remained open to consultati­ons with communitie­s on the management of the island, it said tourism brought important economic benefits for the country and there were no “immediate plans” to reduce it.

Forensic Architectu­re’s findings are part of a body of digital restitutiv­e evidence it is gathering in support of the Herero and Nama people’s calls for direct reparation­s for the genocide. Germany formally acknowledg­ed the genocide in 2021, when the government pledged approximat­ely £1bn to Namibia in developmen­t aid projects over the next 30 years, targeted at descendent communitie­s.

However, the communitie­s rejected Germany’s offer and have challenged the Namibian government in court for agreeing the deal without their approval.

They say they were sidelined in talks and that their demands for direct reparation­s and the return of their land – taken during colonial rule – were sidesteppe­d.

“[Developmen­t aid] does not address the issue of genocide committed by Germany against the Nama and Herero people,” said Luipert. “If Germany is really serious about reconcilia­tion, it still needs to deal with the reality of reparation­s.”

 ?? Photograph: Guy Oliver/Alamy ?? The campsite at Shark Island, where thousands of Herero and Nama people were killed.
Photograph: Guy Oliver/Alamy The campsite at Shark Island, where thousands of Herero and Nama people were killed.

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