The Guardian Australia

Home Office to detain asylum seekers across UK in shock Rwanda operation

- Severin Carrell and Rajeev Syal

The Home Office will launch a surprise operation to detain asylum seekers across the UK on Monday in preparatio­n for deportatio­n to Rwanda, weeks earlier than expected, the Guardian understand­s.

Officials plan to hold refugees who turn up for routine meetings at immigratio­n service offices and will also pick people up nationwide in a two-week exercise.

They will be immediatel­y transferre­d to detention centres, which have already been prepared for the operation, and held to be put on later flights to Rwanda. Others identified for these flights are already being held.

It is thought the launch of the operation has been timed to coincide with Thursday’s local council elections in England, to boost Rishi Sunak’s claims he is cracking down on illegal migration.

The prime minister stated last week the first flights to Rwanda would take off in “10 to 12 weeks” after the government forced its controvers­ial bill legalising the flights through Westminste­r.

Police in Scotland have been put on alert because of the high risks of street protests and attempts by pro-refugee campaigner­s to stop detentions.

Local communitie­s in Scotland have twice prevented deportatio­ns by staging mass protests on Kenmure Street in Glasgow, in May 2021, and in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, in June 2022.

On both occasions, hundreds of people surrounded immigratio­n enforcemen­t vehicles to prevent asylum seekers being removed after tense standoffs between protesters and police.

Demonstrat­ors were alerted by a protesters’ network to the detentions on Kenmure Street, and two men were eventually released from Border Force custody after a six-hour confrontat­ion to avoid violent clashes.

Officers will not take part in the detentions for the Rwanda flights operation but will take part in crowd control and policing the operations. A Police Scotland spokespers­on referred the Guardian to the Home Office after being approached.

Speaking on Monday before the Lords and Commons sat through the night to pass the safety of Rwanda (asylum and immigratio­n) bill, Sunak said: “To detain people while we prepare to remove them, we’ve increased detention spaces to 2,200.

“To quickly process claims, we’ve got 200 trained, dedicated caseworker­s ready and waiting. To deal with any legal cases quickly and decisively, the judiciary have made available 25 courtrooms and identified 150 judges who could provide over 5,000 sitting days.”

Aamer Anwar, a Glasgow-based human rights lawyer who was directly involved in the Kenmure Street protests, said Police Scotland and the Scottish government had to be certain they believed this was lawful.

“Offshoring people 5,000 miles away is nothing more than a grubby cash for people plan,” he said.

He added: “I suspect in the coming days we will see an explosion of the spirit of Kenmure Street across the UK, opposing a policy that will lead to misery, self-harm and death, driving so many more into the arms of people smugglers.

“The fundamenta­l question for the Scottish government as well as Police Scotland is whether they are willing to engage in this barbaric abuse of power against a desperate people.”

Enver Solomon, the chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: “The government is determined to recklessly pursue its inhumane Rwanda plan despite the cost, chaos and human misery it will unleash. We know it is likely to cause a catastroph­ic system meltdown.

“Even if a few thousand people are removed to Rwanda this year, there will be tens of thousands of refugees who have fled from countries like Afghanista­n, Sudan and Syria, stranded in permanent limbo in the UK, likely to fall out of contact with services and face the risk of exploitati­on and abuse. This could be avoided if the government opted instead to operate a fair, effective and humane asylum system.

“Instead of paving the way for yet another crisis in the asylum system, the government should stop its headline-grabbing efforts and commit to promptly and fairly processing asylum claims.”

 ?? Photograph: Benjamin John/Alamy ?? Officials plan to hold refugees who turn up for routine meetings at immigratio­n service offices. They will be transferre­d to detention centres.
Photograph: Benjamin John/Alamy Officials plan to hold refugees who turn up for routine meetings at immigratio­n service offices. They will be transferre­d to detention centres.

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