The Guardian Australia

Melbourne arts identity one of two people killed after glider crashes near Mount Beauty airport


A Melbourne woman has been named as one of two people killed after a powered glider crashed near an airport in Victoria’s alpine region.

Kate Callingham, 39, died when the light aircraft crashed on Saturday afternoon, her family confirmed in a statement.

Callingham was described as a “beloved partner, mother, daughter and friend, and a keen-minded leader in the arts and cultural life in Melbourne”.

Emergency services were called to the incident at Mount Beauty, north of Falls Creek, after 1.40pm on Saturday.

“It is believed the pair were flying over Embankment Drive when the aircraft crashed about 1.45pm,” a Victoria Police spokeswoma­n said.

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Country Fire Authority crews from Mount Beauty were the first to arrive on the scene followed by Tawonga’s fire brigade, road and air ambulance services and police.

Paramedics treated the pair but both died at the scene.

“Paramedics responded with significan­t resources dispatched to the scene including Advanced Life Support paramedics, Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance paramedics and an air ambulance,” an Ambulance Victoria spokespers­on said.

The two people were the glider’s only occupants.

Country fire crews deemed the incident under control at 2.13pm and safe at 3.34pm.

Emergency service crews were expected to remain on the scene.

Police will prepare a report for the coroner.

The accident comes after Mathew Farrell died in September 2022 when his plane crashed after taking off from Mount Beauty Airport.

The 42-year-old died when the plane he was flying crashed into dense bushland east of Tallangatt­a.

A search was launched after he failed to reach his destinatio­n in Wollongong and his body was found a day later in an area that required heavy machinery to access.

 ?? Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP ?? A powered aircraft crashed near Mount Beauty airport in Victoria’s alpine region on Saturday afternoon leaving two people dead.
Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP A powered aircraft crashed near Mount Beauty airport in Victoria’s alpine region on Saturday afternoon leaving two people dead.

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