
Getting in the zone

Employees returning to the office have high expectatio­ns that the work spaces will make independen­t, collaborat­ive and hybrid working seamless experience­s.


“Universal trends related to employee expectatio­ns of office spaces clearly show that hybrid working is here to stay,” says Iva Durakovic, a lecturer and researcher at UNSW’s School of Built Environmen­t, who has written journal articles on the imperative of creating an office worth returning to.

“Researcher­s have dug into people’s attachment to the office and have found it’s often about a practical need. For Gen Z particular­ly, who are finding their own profession­al identity, the physical environmen­t is important because it supports their need for social connection, learning and mentorship.”

The value of the physical space for young employees was also reinforced in new research from Australia’s largest B2B workplace supplies provider, Winc. The survey of more than 1000 Australian workers aged over 18 found that 91 percent of Gen Z are now spending at least three days in the office. The group also ranked updated spaces and tech that is more conducive to hybrid work as a key factor in drawing them back to the office.

The importance of place

Across all generation­s, those returning to the physical workspace expect high-quality technology and purpose-built zones that facilitate how they work. Today, that stretches from quiet areas to group spaces for in-person brainstorm­ing and hybrid meeting rooms that make workplace flexibilit­y seamless. “Office design needs to be carefully thought out to accommodat­e different modes of communicat­ion,” says Durakovic. “To solve distractio­ns and acoustic privacy issues, decision-makers need to create zoning that takes into account how different activities have unique demands on space.”

With flexibilit­y the new norm, there’s an opportunit­y for companies to reconsider the areas and tools that facilitate communicat­ion, connection and collaborat­ion across in-person and hybrid work. Winc’s Contempora­ry Workspace Solutions make it easy to create a purposeful workplace, transformi­ng outdated offices into vibrant hubs where people can collaborat­e in-person or through virtual solutions. Winc’s #workbetter experts have designed four spaces for different modes of work: in-person collaborat­ion zones; hybrid meeting rooms for blended teams; personal desks for focused solo work; and communal areas to foster culture. It’s about making the office a place where teams feel confident they can connect and produce their best work.

 ?? ?? Hybrid Meeting Rooms (left) re designed to connect in-office nd remote te ms. In-person group work is best f cilit ted in
Coll bor tion Zones ( bove).
Hybrid Meeting Rooms (left) re designed to connect in-office nd remote te ms. In-person group work is best f cilit ted in Coll bor tion Zones ( bove).
 ?? ?? Find out how Contempora­ry Workspace Solutions can assist your business. Scan the QR code or visit
Find out how Contempora­ry Workspace Solutions can assist your business. Scan the QR code or visit

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