
A space where wellbeing meets productivi­ty

This boutique commercial building at the northern end of Sydney’s CBD, empowered by elements of humanfirst design, helps to bring teams closer together and elevate output.


Spearheade­d by Poly Developmen­ts, with architectu­re by Grimshaw, the new Poly Centre in the heart of Sydney’s revitalise­d northern CBD precinct is the result of a unique human-first design approach. Situated just steps away from Circular Quay, the building fosters greater wellbeing and prosperity for those who work there.

People are welcomed into this innovative space through sweeping sculptural arches and the exposed concrete of the facade weaves into the structural fabric of its historic surroundin­gs. On the levels above, “air villages” offer a range of choices suitable for multinatio­nals and startups alike. Flexible floor-plate configurat­ions enable businesses to operate in light-filled spaces where the quiet thrum of productivi­ty flows, nurturing creativity and community.

Balconies on the dual-floor Podium Villages invite people to head into the open air to take a call.

On the higher levels of the main tower, floor-to-ceiling windows introduce light and views of the city. Every configurat­ion encourages connection and collaborat­ion, while expansive end-of-trip facilities are a refreshing reward for those who run, cycle or walk to work.

As expected by contempora­ry organisati­ons, Poly Centre prioritise­s sustainabi­lity and targets five stars from both the Green Building Council of Australia and the National

Australian Built Environmen­t Rating System (NABERS). It also won a prize for commercial architectu­re in the ’“’” Australian Institute of Architects Awards.

Poly Centre is both innovative and intimate, allowing the identity of each company to shine. The best tacit endorsemen­t comes from two of its foundation tenants: both the property’s developer, Poly Global, and its builder, BESIX Watpac, have chosen to locate their offices here at ’š“ George Street.

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