
Kimberley Cohen


is the artistic director of family-owned Maisons Pariente (maisonspar­, the luxury hotel group famed for its unique Hôtels de Famille styled as elegant, art-filled private homes. The Martin Brudnizki-designed Le Grand Mazarin opened last year in the Marais.

“Eternelle Notre Dame

(eternellen­ is an innovative virtual reality (VR) experience in La Défense. You put on a VR headset and backpack and dive into Notre Dame Cathedral, which is amazing because you really feel like you’re inside. You see all the visuals and get to walk in areas that you can’t normally visit. I went with my mum and my mother-in-law and we loved it. In the Marais,

Tityaravy (en.tityaravy. com) is a jewellery shop run by a woman called Titya Tin. The brand has a bohemian style. It’s one of my go-to places when I need to find a gift for someone or want to treat myself. Copains ( opened its first bakery in ‡ˆ‡‰ but has just launched a new one in the ‰Šth. It’s totally gluten-free but you have no idea because it tastes so good. The Mathilde bread is made from chestnut and rice flour and has figs and nuts inside – it’s delicious! The restaurant Boubalé opened in Le Grand Mazarin (legrandmaz­arin. com) in September and was conceived with chef Assaf Granit [whose Shabour restaurant in Paris has a Michelin star]. The idea was to revisit Ashkenazi-style food and Assaf really twisted it – it has a lot of spice and is very tasty and colourful. There’s a salmon gravlax with arak, dill and pickled mustard and the desserts are sublime.”

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 ?? ?? Tityaravy jewellery store and a display of some of its pieces
Tityaravy jewellery store and a display of some of its pieces
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