
Readying the workforce for today’s customer

LSH Auto Australia’s managing director, John Good, shares how the country’s leading Mercedes-Benz retailer is building a culture of resilience, flexibilit­y and growth.


What does AQ and EQ mean in the LSH Auto workplace?

“The terms refer to adaptabili­ty quotient and emotional intelligen­ce and both are a measure of how our team members respond to new circumstan­ces. Equally, as a business, it’s about how we accept change and look for new opportunit­ies for growth. At a managerial level, we’re working to create greater organisati­onal resilience.”

Can you share a time when the business has shown this resilience?

“The Mercedes-Benz business has pivoted from a traditiona­l retail model to an agency model, which has changed the way we operate in various sections of our company. This has involved


for more informatio­n. adopting a growth mindset, from senior leadership team to frontline staff, while ensuring a focus on excellence. The industry is going through its biggest and fastest changes in € years.”

What training does your leadership team receive?

“We’ve spent a lot of time on leadership developmen­t programs, courses and retreats focusing on what makes a resilient organisati­on and the traits needed to adapt to new challenges. These include having a positive growth mindset and looking at problems as opportunit­ies to find solutions that drive the business forward.”

How do team members benefit from a culture focused on EQ and AQ?

“Emotional intelligen­ce is a vital tool for bettering how we work with others and interact with our customers.

It’s one of the qualities that helps LSH Auto differenti­ate itself from its competitor­s and build long-term customer relationsh­ips. Team members also have the benefit of working for an organisati­on that has a culture of positivity and has been recognised as one of the best places to work in the automotive industry.”

How does all this lead to a better customer experience?

“Our culture is such that the team is a family of employees and the customer is treated as an extension of our automotive family. Having EQ is essential because you’re dealing with individual customers in a luxury environmen­t and part of our brand ambition is to deliver a world-leading customer experience.”

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