New Idea





AUG 24 – SEP 23

Your social life looks busy, but after recent stresses, it’s just what you need. Dinner parties, concerts, games nights … old-fashioned fun should really hit the spot. With a stream of events in the pipeline, you’ll want to look your best. Try some creative mixing and matching. Lucky colour: Golden yellow


NOV 23 – DEC 21 These stars could prompt some big conversati­ons, but they might also lead to some positive, even life-altering decisions. As your own experience­s come full circle, don’t be surprised if your wisdom is in demand. You might even tap into your inner writer or performer. Lucky gemstone: Black opal


FEB 20 – MAR 20

If you’ve been left wrung out, it’s good news. A fresh optimism is blossoming, and as the ‘old’ you returns, people will be drawn into your orbit. On the downside, everyone might want a piece of you, so set boundaries. Resist the urge to do it all and enjoy some pampering. Lucky flowers: Pink carnations


MAY 22 – JUN 21

The flurry surroundin­g your home and family is increasing. Moves or revamps could be on the cards, and with Venus sharpening your eye for colour and design, the results might impress all. Brushing up your DIY skills might be a smart move; you might even discover a hidden talent! Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 23, 29, 39, 42


SEP 24 – OCT 23

As the sages say, stop and smell the flowers. Earth yourself by spending more time outdoors, or pop in some spring vegies under Sunday’s fertile sky. As the sun tunes into your sensitive side, spiritual pursuits and therapies could prove magnetic. Why not pick up some Oracle cards? Lucky crystal: Rose quartz heart


DEC 22 – JAN 20 It’s time to follow your heart, not your head. Some Goats may rediscover a passion for music, food or travel this month, while others will join forces with a like-minded group. For couples, a shared vision might get you excited, but don’t let age or experience put you off. Lucky numbers: 9, 15, 29, 31, 36, 44


MAR 21 – APR 20

Ready for a fitness boost? With Tuesday’s new moon triggering your health sector, it’s a perfect time to make the leap. A new pastime might really click, particular­ly if socialisin­g is involved. Watch your spending, and don’t lock yourself into any expensive membership­s. Lucky numbers: 8, 16, 19, 28, 34, 37


JUN 22 – JUL 23

After a period of stops and starts, you’re entering a productive cycle. That enthusiast­ic work ethic should yield great results, not just at work, but on the home and fitness fronts too. With go-getter Mars energising your sign, find something that gets you excited and throw yourself in. Lucky gemstone: Golden topaz


OCT 24 – NOV 22 New experience­s are written in the stars, so get creative. Treat the kids to an unusual excursion or delve into a hobby that’s caught your eye. Offbeat holidays might also hit the agenda, while closer to home, auctions and garage sales could throw up some impressive finds. Lucky symbol: Blue butterfly


JAN 21 – FEB 19 You’re ready to turn over a new leaf, so whether it’s your fitness, work, or finances, start making plans. As your mindset becomes more positive, a stressful situation might improve. Just try to pace yourself, for with Mars cracking the whip, things could get busy. Lucky plant: Lucky bamboo


APR 21 – MAY 21 Compliment­s are heading your way, and you deserve them! Group activities should bring out your best, while at work, your clever ideas could lead to big things. Your romance dial is being turned up a notch, so if you’ve had your eye on someone, make a move!

Lucky flowers: Colourful poppies


JUL 24 – AUG 23

Group endeavours should showcase your unique skills and talents, while for creative types, that chatty streak might open doors. Venus, the zodiac’s socialite, is turning you into a team player, so spread those good vibes around, not just at work but within your local community. Lucky numbers: 10, 15, 22, 31, 38, 42

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