New Idea

Understand­ing SIDS


- Dr Jana Pittman

As a doctor and mum myself, I understand the deep worry that comes with caring for your little bundle of joy. Especially as a friend of mine tragically lost their daughter to late-onset sudden infant as death a young syndrome toddler. (SIDS)


SIDS is when a seemingly healthy child suddenly passes away, usually during sleep, often before 12 months of age. The cause largely remains a mystery but may be related to faulty sleep-wake cycles, or an inability for babies to detect and regulate low oxygen or high carbon dioxide levels.

We can’t yet eliminate SIDS from occurring, but we can try to reduce the risks. Your baby’s sleep environmen­t is key! Here are some tips…

1. BACK IS BEST: Put your baby on their back to sleep. As they get older, they may roll over, but especially as a newborn, no fancy positions are needed.

2. KEEP IT SIMPLE: Use a firm mattress, avoid toys or heavy blankets and keep the room well-ventilated. A clutter-free crib is best.


Overheatin­g has been linked to SIDS. Feel your baby’s tummy, it should feel warm but not hot. If your little one is clammy or flushed, remove layers.

4. STAY CLOSE: Room sharing without bed sharing is ideal. Keep your baby close by, having them sleep in a side carriage or bassinet in your room for the first six months (or beyond). Some women choose to bed share or co-sleep – it is important to research this option thoroughly before making this decision, as it can increase the risk of SIDS in certain circumstan­ces.

5. CONSIDER BREASTFEED­ING IF POSSIBLE: Breastfeed­ing can offer some protection against SIDS, reducing the risk by 50 per cent, but we know not everyone can breastfeed. You do the best you can with the boobs you have!


Babies who are premature or small, maternal smoking, alcohol or drug use, soft sleeping surfaces, obesity or infection all greatly increase the risk for your baby. Sometimes, despite all best efforts, SIDS still occurs. Let’s help spread the message and support each other by sharing safe sleep practices! For more informatio­n, check out and support

 ?? ?? Safe sleeping practices can help protect against SIDS.
Safe sleeping practices can help protect against SIDS.
 ?? ?? Make sure to monitor your bub and avoid overheatin­g.
Make sure to monitor your bub and avoid overheatin­g.
 ?? ??

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