New Idea

SEE INTO Your Future



QDo you have any news for me about my family, health, cat or job? I’ve had many emotional challenges. – MICHELLE

AYou are a strong yet sensitive soul who is all things to all people. I can see you are a central person to your family who gives so much of yourself, but at times I can see you don’t always get the recognitio­n for the beautiful being you are.

Your gorgeous fur baby makes up for this in the hugs and kisses you receive when you return home from work.

I also see that there are other fur babies in spirit who are also close to you in the spirit realm.

I feel a strong male energy that feels like your father is close at hand. He is telling me you are just like him – big-hearted, self-sacrificin­g and a quiet achiever. He wants you to stop procrastin­ating about the things you wish to do and achieve in your life because you always put others first. You are much more powerful than you think.

Remember, you are more of a leader than a follower. Get your mojo back and remember the inner strength and guidance you once had. Stop letting others put you down and hold you back.

Taking back control doesn’t mean you need to let go of your sensitive side, it just means you are in the driver’s seat, and you now can steer your life in the direction that feels right. Believe in you and the amazing lady you truly are.

QWhen will the current project I’m working on end? It feels like a never-ending battle. And is there any property that my aunt doesn’t want to be disposed? – COCO

AYou and your Aunt Rosie have a strong connection. Rosie feels frustrated with how other family members have been behaving since her passing and she is so pleased to have you taking her place to ensure that her wishes are being carried out.

Rosie is showing me a block of units or a group of properties that are very important to her and the family. She doesn’t want them to be broken up as they are meant to assist family members in the future. I feel there is a male family member who is being very greedy and wants these properties for himself.

I can see that Rosie is one of your ancestral guardian angels. She is also telling me she is with your father, and is saying she has sorted out any issues you all had with him.

As for the project you are currently working on, the message is you need to be patient. If you can step back and see the blessing in disguise, you will understand the reasoning behind the delay.

Rosie is never far from your side and she is happy you have stepped into her shoes to guide the family. Remember, she will assist you when needed.

Send your question, a photo of yourself, your name, phone number and date of birth to: newidea@


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