Mountain Biking UK



“I’m going to start by declaring my love for electric mountain bikes. They bring something new to the sport I love, and offer riders something a bit different, whether that’s more off-road laps in your lunch break or accessing trails you never thought you’d have the fitness to pedal to. Another thing they do is open up the trails to more people. More people riding bikes is a tremendous thing, but with the trails becoming more crowded, how we interact with one another is more important than ever. As Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben once said, ‘with great power comes great responsibi­lity’. And how e-MTBers navigate others with all that additional power is critical.

“I’ve witnessed some things that have made me think about this, although fortunatel­y these have been few and far between. Yes, everyone wants to get the climbing over and done with, but squeezing through non-existent gaps and knocking off riders just because you have the motor assistance to climb that bit quicker isn’t cool. Clinging to the rear wheel of a less experience­d rider without saying a word is intimidati­ng and unnecessar­y. And don’t even get me started on derestrict­ed bikes, which quite simply shouldn’t be on the trails we ride.

“Everyone is entitled to use the trails, but being polite, kind and respectful should be at the forefront of your mind. Manners don’t cost a thing, and make an already great experience even better. We’re all in it for the same reason, so it’s better that we look out for one another, rather than scaring people witless with acts of stupidity just to save a few seconds. Maintainin­g respect while out ripping the trails makes our sport more enjoyable, welcoming and attractive to outsiders, which can only be a good thing. Ultimately, be kind and have fun, no matter what type of bike you’re riding.”

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