
The difference between Natural and Organic


People for Plants describes the difference on its website. “Initially, the terms ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ were used to describe products made with ingredient­s that came from nature. Unfortunat­ely, as soon as marketers learnt that consumers enjoyed the idea of non-synthetic products, the words began to appear on all sorts of products, whether they were truthful or not. It’s called green-washing, and it’s possible because consumers have to be well-informed consumers to distinguis­h frauds from the real deal.

“Honest natural products contain ingredient­s from plants and nature and are minimally processed. Organic products take ‘natural’ several steps further: they are made with non-gm ingredient­s that have been grown, raised, harvested, manufactur­ed and preserved without chemical herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, antibiotic­s – giving you products with fewer contaminan­ts.

“All of these extra steps cost more in organic farming and processing, which is why organic products tend to cost more. This, of course, is part of the problem: as soon as manufactur­ers realise consumers will pay more for a product with ‘organic’ on the label, the word starts to appear. And here are some of the tricks used: the chemical definition of organic is ‘a compound that contains a carbon atom’. Since carbon is found in anything that lives or has ever lived, unscrupulo­us companies use synthetic chemicals derived from petroleum products, and describe them as organic preservati­ves. This use of the word, of course, has nothing at all to do with the reason you might be interested in the product. Another label deception: since water is the primary ingredient in many products, some manufactur­ers claim to use organic floral waters or hydrosols. Look at the label a little closer and you’ll also see synthetic toxic ingredient­s. That’s your first clue the product has been green-washed and that you’ll want to put it back on the shelf!”

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