
In the Market

Hints, tips and reviews


Plants Plus Fruit and Citrus Food

Caring for your citrus trees over summer will help produce a sweet and juicy crop next winter. Citrus trees are heavy feeders, so it is essential to use fertiliser now to make sure the trees produce good fruit later. When applying fertiliser, remember the plants feeding roots are below the outermost circle of leaves on the tree. Fertilise citrus trees with Plants Plus Fruit and Citrus Food, a premium blend of organic and inorganic fertiliser that promotes healthy vibrant growth, using water as well to avoid burning the roots and leaves

Available in 2.5kg for $8.98 (SRP)

Visit us at www.plantsplus.com.au or visit one of our 70+ garden centres Australia wide

The miracle of sprouting – seeds and grains

Did yo knowthat 100 grams of seeds will give you anything between 400 to 1,000 grams of high energy rejuvenati­ng food? During the growth period, enzyme content increases up to 20 times and becomes rich in Laetrile (anti-cancer vitamin) as well as vitamin B12.

It supplies you with complete protein, as well as most vitamins, and serves as a source of essential minerals. Sprouts are one of the finest foods and accordingl­y will serve you well in health and longevity.

One of the most efficient and easy to use sprouting containers is called ‘Easysprout’, which includes basic instructio­ns for the different types of seeds to be sprouted. The procedure is:

Soak 1/4 cup alfalfa seeds in water for 2-3 hours (12 hours for mung bean, aduki and lentil). Pour off water and rinse if required, once or twice daily. Keep in a dark spot and then move the sprouter into indirect sunlight for two days.

When 25mm to 50mm long, rinse off brown hulls and eat raw in salads, sandwiches etc. (Note the temperatur­e and amount of light will vary these times.)

Another equally effective means to maintain good health is the juicing of your home grown vegetables; these can be juiced along with your sprouts to provide even more energy and vitality, as life comes from life.

The most effective and efficient is the Angel Juicer, a slow turning juicer which extracts the most juice at the highest quality, leaving most vital nutrients intact as provided by nature.

Check out the range of juicers and many other products along with the Easysprout, at LB Healing Products. Ph 02 6373 3419 or check out the website www.grainmills.com.au

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