
Why Choose Organic Eggs?


If your hens are off the lay or you don’t have the time or space to keep them and you go into a shop and look at the prices of eggs you will see a huge variation. So why would you choose to pay around $10.00 for organic free range eggs when you could pay a fraction of this for caged convention­al eggs?

The answer is simple. They are worth it. Not only are you respecting the hen which produces your egg by paying the farmer to keep it in a humane way which honours our feathered friends, but you are also paying for her to be fed chemical and GMO free feed and kept in a chemical free environmen­t. You also get the added benefit of all the goodness which the hen will select out in the pasture and range area to give to her eggs.

Convention­al ‘free range’ eggs are kept in large sheds where twenty thousand birds or more have to compete for enough space to stand up. If they are allowed outside on a regular basis they would strip any edible vegetation with the range area from the shed. Even some of the larger organic producers are guilty of this. If you want to have a real free range egg then choose organic but also look for an endorsemen­t from Humane Choice. Avoid the large supermarke­t brands and buy from farmers’ markets or smaller retailers. Supermarke­ts force their suppliers to cut costs. One way the producer does this is by overstocki­ng.

Eggs are particular­ly susceptibl­e to chemical contaminat­ion, so if there are nasty chemicals in the feed or on the farm then they will be picked up and concentrat­ed in the egg. Organic eggs are naturally free from chemicals.

But the main reason you should choose organic eggs is the taste. You can feel the goodness revitalisi­ng your body as you enjoy them.

For stockists of Organigrow organic eggs please visit www.organigrow.com.au

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