Grand Designs Australia


Herschel is changing the way we heat our homes


Herschel Infrared heats your home the same way the sun heats the earth. It uses far infrared (FIR) energy to warm up the fabric of the building and all the things inside it, including you. This turns the very surfaces of your home into part of your radiant heating solution, delivering a consistent­ly warm and comfortabl­e environmen­t.

Unlike convection heat, which warms the air and moves it around the house, radiant heat travels through the air and is absorbed by objects and the room materials itself. Once the objects and room have been heated enough, they radiate the heat and your whole room becomes part of the heating system.

Heating the air using convection methods is an inefficien­t solution because air cannot hold much heat. This is why a cool draft can lower the temperatur­e of your room quickly, or why warmth evaporates almost immediatel­y when you switch off the heater or heat pump. Convection requires that warm air continuall­y be created to maintain a given temperatur­e so it consumes more energy.

To heat the entire volume of air, convection requires continual heating in order to maintain ideal conditions, which consumes more energy than radiant alternativ­es. Plus, as convection heat rises, most of the energy you are creating sits over your head where you can’t feel it. The heat that does reach you gets chilled by your windows or absorbed into the cold surfaces of the room. This does not create an ideal environmen­t for heating a person. If you’ve ever been in a room with a convection heater on and the air seems warm but your feet are cold, this is why.

Radiant heat, on the other hand, is ideal for heating people as we are radiant ourselves. We absorb radiant heat into our bodies far better than when hot air is blown around us. Once the environmen­t has reached our selected temperatur­e, it is surprising­ly easy to maintain a comfortabl­e, warm environmen­t without losing heat unnecessar­ily or being forced to run your heater continuall­y. Have you ever sat in front of a fire and marvelled at the way it heats you all the way through? This feeling is radiant heat at work. Herschel far infrared heaters achieve this result with consistenc­y, accuracy and minimal effort from you, making it the best electric heating solution available.

When installed and operated correctly, Herschel Infrared heaters can be more cost effective over a 24-hour period than a heat pump. Once your home is up to temperatur­e, it radiates that heat back out slowly. Used in conjunctio­n with a thermostat, the heaters will heat the environmen­t, then switch off and let your home radiate that warmth back, only coming back on to recharge it again.

Home heating is estimated at being as much as 40 per cent of the peak load to the power network, occurring in the evenings when we all get home from work and turn our heaters on. With Herschel Infrared, this load gets spread evenly throughout the day, warming your home during daylight hours and releasing that warmth into the night.

As well as the multitude of functional and cost-saving features, Herschel heaters also look great. A discreet slimline panel can be mounted to the ceiling or wall. Available in a range of styles, from white metal to black or white glass and even mirrors, there is a Herschel heater for every home. For high ceilings, Herschel offers a hanging pendant version, while an outdoor heater allows you to enjoy the feeling of the sun on the patio long after it has set.

To experience the Herschel difference for yourself, contact the team for an obligation-free quote. If you are building or renovating, they can work off your plans and have a nationwide network of trained resellers and installers who can deliver the beautifull­y warm home you desire, without all the hot air.

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