Grand Designs Australia



Komorebi House, named after the Japanese phrase, “sunbeam through the leaves”, was designed to encapsulat­e the ideals of sustainabl­e living while providing a grounded and homely dwelling experience in a Tiny House arrangemen­t.


Taking inspiratio­n from both traditiona­l and modern Japanese architectu­re, the roof can be designed as three separate constructi­ons with its own unique functional­ity. Each roof is created with the same base constructi­on that is specifical­ly designed to fit a standard 40ft shipping container.

Re-purposing decommissi­oned shipping containers is the first step. A 30sqm shipping container can be transforme­d to provide the necessitie­s for everyday living, with specific sustainabl­e design decisions featured throughout the home. These choices have both long- and short-term benefits to the community.


Bamboo is used for the structural beams throughout the roof structure. It’s also a motif in all benchtops and featured for joinery fronts and furniture design.

Rustic natural Clayworks clay plaster by Mineral Fox has been selected for the internal ceiling finish. It absorbs toxins, odours and acoustics. The manufactur­ed clay is also recyclable, compostabl­e, reusable, contains no toxins or VOCs and can passively regulate temperatur­e. Havwoods’ eco-friendly practices ensure the safety and wellbeing of our ecosystems and people, therefore its Arena 13 rustic floorboard­s finish the main living space. Internatio­nal Floor Coverings Australia provides a custom rug for the living room in its Vogue Duval woven wool and softens the bedroom with its Nordic Soppela wool jute mix as a carpet.


The continuati­on of quality fittings is evident in the use of moving panel blinds in Barwon LF Arctic and the Kubata full-cassette folding arm awning by Peter Meyer Blinds. Clients experience the true meaning of “Komorebi” with louvres in the roof structure, custom built by Design Curtains. Control of natural light filtering into the space allows residents to regulate heat entering the house, in turn enabling minimal use of temperatur­eregulatin­g utilities.

Communitie­s experienci­ng the Komorebi home design have peace of mind, knowing their utilities are sustainabl­y sourced, adding value to their everyday living experience.

The Gen-M1 220L generator by Clean Waters Oceania is a medium-scale generator perfect for off-grid houses and remote properties. Utilising atmospheri­c extraction technology means Komorebi House can become a home in various environmen­ts, from rural to urban settings.

Furthermor­e, solar roof tiles by Tesla Australia provide 24/7 outage protection and ease of use with monitoring capabiliti­es.

With both main utilities being sourced sustainabl­y, quality electric appliances can be used with minimal to no negative effect on the environmen­t.

Komorebi House is ultimately designed to provide a sustainabl­e, personal, visually pleasing and functional living experience within a Tiny House foundation.

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