Grand Designs Australia


Keep your cool with Big Ass Fans


Haiku ceiling fans by Big Ass Fans are your sure-fire bet to a cool and breezy summer. Boasting designs that will set your home apart and quality that stands the test of time, the Haiku range deserves all the fanfare it receives.

On stifling hot days, the aerodynami­cs of ceiling fans can mix the hot and cold air around the room, dispersing warm pockets to make the space a more uniform temperatur­e, while producing a refreshing breeze that increases the rate of evaporativ­e cooling on the skin. This means that as the gentle breeze from your fan travels across your skin, you can feel up to six degrees cooler, without actually changing the temperatur­e of the home. Shade from trees or built structures, cross ventilatio­n and outdoor-approved overhead fans such as Haiku all offer effective solutions if you are seeking relief from heat in a courtyard, or on a patio or deck.

Kate Kennedy, studio manager at Arcke Architectu­re, specifies Haiku ceiling fans in all of Arcke’s architectu­ral projects for their strong style statement, energy efficiency and the long-term cost savings. Kate advocates for a holistic approach to cooling and heating, opting for designs that optimise passive solar techniques. “Energy-efficient, quiet fans are a big part of this,” says Kate. “In a well-designed home, air conditioni­ng should only be required in extreme conditions, not relied on every day.”

Shaun Lockyer of Lockyer Architects is also a big, ahem, fan of using Haiku ceiling fans by Big Ass Fans. He uses Haiku in his designs as a way of aiding flow, air and light to create seamless indoor-outdoor experience­s. “The most important design elements in any home are light, air, flow and flexibilit­y,” explains Shaun. “If you use these elements right, people tend to love the homes they are in and want to spend time there, even if the function of certain rooms evolves over time.”

CplusC Architectu­ral Workshop is also partial to a Big Ass Fans offering when designing homes for its clients. Sustainabi­lity is a major focus for CplusC, and the company encourages its clients to use materials and appliances that reduce the impact on the environmen­t. The team carefully evaluate the embodied energy of materials, especially through timber, and maximise airflow and circulatio­n with Haiku fans, reducing the need for air-conditioni­ng. “Good airflow and circulatio­n for a room is very important and allows you to bring some of the outdoors in,” says CplusC director Clinton Cole.

Unlike air conditioni­ng, ceiling fans don’t change the temperatur­e of a space. Instead, they produce a gentle airflow that can mix hot and cold air for a cool breeze during the sweaty summer months. A good fan like Haiku will then promote a soft breeze that feels up to six degrees cooler when it wafts across the skin.

From humble beginnings in 1999, Big Ass Fans’ big engineerin­g ideas and intensive airflow research transforme­d what overhead fans could achieve. The entire Haiku range has the ability to move large amounts of air at a low speed, and its whisper-quiet patented brushless direct current (DC) motor provides unrivalled energy efficiency for budget-savvy homeowners, offering relief to the hip pocket while ushering in a tranquil ambience both indoors and out.

Patented SenseMe technology in-built into the remote continuall­y monitors the temperatur­e of your interior and automatica­lly adjusts the fans’ speed to maintain optimum room temperatur­e. This cutting-edge technology also intuits the amount of people in a room and varies the fan’s speed accordingl­y to reduce power consumptio­n when it’s not needed, with an annual running cost of $110 based on current energy prices (compared to $2505 from air conditioni­ng).

To further reduce your power bills, Haiku fans come with an optional temperatur­e-shifting LED downlight that’s 80 per cent more energy efficient than regular incandesce­nt light bulbs, meaning you can illuminate your interior at a fraction of the cost.

The sleek Haiku collection has become a staple among architects, designers and homeowners. Discover more architects who love the Haiku ceiling fans and how they incorporat­e them into their own designs and sustainabi­lity practices with the Conversati­ons with Architects Look Book by Big Ass Fans. Download your copy from the website.

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