Golf Australia



With colder weather just around the corner, it’s not too early to consider how you will stay warm on the course this winter.

The Zerofit Heatrub Ultimate Baselayer makes the decision easy for you as it’s the world’s warmest baselayer.

Designed in Japan, the Zerofit Heatrub Ultimate Baselayer has been proven to be five times warmer than leading competitor­s following independen­t testing on the product at the Boken Institute in Osaka, making it a game-changing product in even the coldest of conditions.

Evaluation­s at the Institute resulted in a heat retention rating of 0.78; a standard baselayer would have a rating of 0.1-0.14, while a sweater would typically have a rating of around 0.3.

Technologi­cally enhanced ‘Heat Threads’ inside the garment are activated through movement, gently brushing against the skin to generate warmth instantly. Unlike most other baselayers, the Ultimate does not work on the basis of ‘compressio­n for heat’ – so not only does it provide greater levels of warmth, it does so with a less restrictiv­e fit that also helps golfers to swing more freely.

And because it’s so effective at keeping you warm, there’s no need for multiple additional layers - all you’ll need is an Ultimate Baselayer and a Polo Shirt.

In addition to the Ultimate, Zerofit is also introducin­g the Heatrub Move Baselayer which has been independen­tly tested and proven to be twice as warm as a standard model, making it a perfect product for the milder temperatur­es.

The Heatrub Ultimate baselayer comes in black, grey or navy, while the Heatrub Move baselayer is available in black, white or titanium.

RRP: $129.95 (Heatrub Ultimate); $109.95 (Heatrub Move). For more details on the complete range of products or to order, visit

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