Golf Australia



Designed to deliver the ultimate combinatio­n of distance and greenside spin and control, the latest Tour B golf balls feature the new Reactiv X System that takes Bridgeston­e’s Contact Science to a new level.

The 2024 Tour B family comes in four distinct models, Tour B X and Tour B XS (for swings over 105 mph), and Tour B RX and Tour B RXS (for swings under 105 mph).

The newly developed Reactiv X System, which combines a Reactiv IQ cover with an XCLRNT mid-layer, is the result of years of developmen­t and multiple iterations of Reactiv technology. In the initial version, Reactiv utilised impact modifiers in the urethane cover of each TOUR B model to create a cover that reacted to the impact velocity of every shot. On aggressive swings off the tee, the cover became firmer for faster ball speed and more distance, while on scoring shots with wedges and short irons it became softer for more spin and shot stopping control.

“Any time you have Tiger Woods contributi­ng to a golf ball design you’ve got a major advantage over the competitio­n,”

Brtidgesto­ne Golf ball marketing manager Elliot Mellow said.

“When you combine Bridgeston­e’s 900 polymer engineers and Contact Science with Tiger’s knowledge and feel, the results are impressive, and that’s what we have with the new TOUR B lineup.

“Tiger’s insights give our engineers feedback that allows them to push the design envelope beyond what we originally thought was possible.”

The Tour B X delivers increased ball speed for maximum distance off the tee and hit and sit performanc­e on approach shots. It is ideal for players with swing speeds over 105mph. There is also a

Tiger Woods Edition Tour B X featuring commemorat­ive packaging. The Tour B XS is also suited to this high swing speeds, but through the Reactiv X System it offers a soft feel as well as increased spin for control. The Tour B RX offers increased ball speed for maximum distance off the tee and hit and sit performanc­e on approach shots for players with a swing speed under 105mph, while the Tour B RXS is also suited to lower high swing speeds, and with the Reactiv X System staying on the clubface longer for approach shots, it offers a soft feel as well as increased spin around the green.

An extension of the range is Tour B with MindSet – the first ball scientific­ally designed to help you separate analytical thoughts from athletic performanc­e.

MindSet – developed with assistance from Jason Day – is a visual cue on the ball that reminds you of the easy three step process of identifyin­g your target, visualisin­g the shot path and focusing on the dot.

RRP: $84.99. $86.99 (Tiger Woods edition). www.bridgeston­

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