Galston, Glenorie and Hills Rural News


- - Pr. Alex and Dee Valich Glenorie Community Church

As I sit down to write this final magazine article for 2023, I’m shaking my head because the months have flown by so quickly with so much happening in each of our lives.

We pray that each of you has a safe, healthy Christmas season as we remember “Christ” in “Christ- mas”. You are very welcome to join us for our service on Christmas Day, from 9-10am.

During this year we have been on a journey to discover more about who Jesus Christ IS - and it hasn’t been a mystery because Jesus Himself has described aspects of His character in the Bible book of John.

From His statements we who believe in Him can live our lives in peace and confident hope for the future, knowing “He will never leave us or forsake us.” (Hebrews 13:5)


** I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End,

the First and the Last.

** I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father

except through Me.

** I AM the Door. If you enter by Me, you will be saved and will go in

and out and find pasture.

** I AM the Good Shepherd... I give My life for you. The thief only comes to kill, rob and destroy. I have come that you may have life and live it more abundantly.

** I AM the Bread of Life.

** I AM the Resurrecti­on and the Life. If you believe in Me,

though you may die, you will live (eternally). ** I AM the Light of the world. If you follow Me, you shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.


** I AM the Vine and you are the branches.

Therefore, each of us can learn, live and thrive through our connection with Jesus - through our personal relationsh­ip with Him.

God bless.

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