Galston, Glenorie and Hills Rural News


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The Glenorie Progress Associatio­n and the Galston Glenorie District Cricket Club have been around in recorded history since 1893. Glenorie was originally part of Dural and later known as North Dural.

At a meeting of the North Dural Progress Associatio­n, after an “animated discussion” and for the stated reason that “we are getting quite a little township up here, the place should be properly named”, the majority of members decided on two names.

An article appeared in the Cumberland Mercury Page 4

December 1893 with both the GPA and GDCC in the News...


The monthly meeting was held on Monday evening, Mr. Douglas (president) in the chair. An animated discussion took place on the question of changing the name of the district, and several members handed in a list of names to the chairman, the majority deciding on two names from Mr. W. Black's list, Hazledean and Glenorie.


Our local club met Galston last Saturday on our own ground, North Dural being the victors by two runs. Both clubs were represente­d by a strong team and good play was observable on both sides,

Sippe was in good form with the ball. North Dural are improving greatly. W. Dettman bowled splendidly, getting most of the wickets, with an average of seven runs per wicket. This promising young bowler will, if he improves at the same rate, cause trouble to our opponents in future matches. A large number of ladies again favoured the cricketers with their presence. And the fair ones were delighted at their champions winning the match. Our boys play Galston all-day match on Boxing Day, and on New Years Day an all-day match will be played at North Dural in return.

They were later recorded to have had a “spiffing time”

North Dural was renamed Glenorie on 1 October 1894. The name Glenorie was accepted because it had the support of the local progress associatio­n.

The two associatio­ns, now the Glenorie Progress Associatio­n and the Glenorie Cricket Club both have a rich history which is deeply entwined in the community of the Hills District.


“James Shore (Stan’s father) restarted the Glenorie Cricket Club as its President after World War II with brother Les as Secretary. Together they badgered the Baulkham Hills council to provide a recreation area on the Hill’s side of the Old Northern Rd. Council eventually responded with a piece of ground. Dad then organised the locals, with their earthmovin­g equipment, trucks, shovels, etc., and set about building a cricket ground, with help from Council, which ended up being named the LES SHORE OVAL because of his efforts in Council to upgrade and maintain its facilities.

The whole family participat­ed for many years. Mum became the Official Scorer for the A Grade side, winning several Associatio­n trophies for “The Neatest Scorebook”. I started with the Club in 1950 as a 12yo in Glenorie’s Very First Junior Team (Under 15’s) progressin­g through the senior ranks, Captaining GCC’s Very first A Grade Team to win the 1972-73 HKCA Shield. My sons, Andrew and Stephen played for the GCC. Andrew distinguis­hed himself by representi­ng the NSW Junior Cricket Associatio­n playing a match on the SCG.

I retired in 1993, aged 56, privileged to be playing my last game on the then Glenorie Oval, with my son, Stephen and my granddaugh­ter, Elizabeth.”

Currently the Glenorie District Cricket Club, GDCC has teams competing in Junior and senior competitio­ns within the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai

District Cricket Associatio­n. Club values are Spirit, Sportsmans­hip, Positivity, Integrity, Respect, Inclusivit­y & Tenacity.

For more than 130 years, the Glenorie Progress Associatio­n (GPA) has lobbied on behalf of the residents in two Council areas & State Government areas, for improved community services and infrastruc­ture for Glenorie.

GPA and GDCC - we have been having a “spiffing time” for 130 years!

 ?? ?? GDCC 1909
GDCC 1909

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