


What’s your go-to quick dish? Nothing beats pasta. It’s the fastest thing, and it needs nothing. Just pan-fry garlic, anchovies and parsley, toss it with pasta and call it dinner. Your fave cheap but impressive meal? I am all about stew at the moment. I’ve just launched some workshops where I’m teaching people how to take the cheapest cuts of meat and turn them into three incredible meals, like red curry noodle soup or a burrito bowl. It’s great for a dinner party because everyone wows over something slow-cooked. Make a big lamb ragu and then put energy into condiments like burrata, pangrattat­o or gremolata. What are your store-cupboard staples? Olive oil and salt. They’re the two things that, when they get low in my pantry, it feels like we’re on the breadline. I just buy a lightflavo­ured olive oil from the supermarke­t and Maldon sea salt or an Aussie flake salt. Best way to feed a crowd, without breaking the bank? I’m loving that focaccia is back. It’s one of the most forgiving breads – unlike pizza you don’t have to manhandle it into a searing oven, and if it’s not doing what it’s told you just ignore it, which is also my favourite parenting advice. Top it with chilli honey and pepperoni or tomato, olives and mozzarella. What do you grab when you need a pick-me-up? I’m not much of a sugar person but when I have a sweet craving a date with peanut butter in it is a delicious thing. Can we have some more? Find out about my workshops and new cookbook, Every. Night. Of. The. Week. Veg, at

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