



Claire Aldous Food Editor @clairealdo­us Where have you eaten out recently and enjoyed?

AVegan patisserie Maison des Lys has opened in Mt Eden Village on weekends only and Drissilla David’s pastries will knock your socks off! Flaky, buttery croissants with creamy fruit fillings or dark chocolate vie for cabinet space with seasonal savoury Danishes and her version of a ham and cheese.

Tell us about something you’ve cooked this month.

AI love putting a slow braise in the oven on a Sunday afternoon for an easy, relaxed dinner with friends. I made a base of fennel, butter beans, tarragon, wine and lots of garlic then added seared chicken thighs. After an hour, stir in a little cream and let it bubble up – so delicious with crusty bread and a big green salad.

What recipe are you most excited about in this issue?

AOlivia’s Pork and Vegetable Rice Paper Dumplings on page 60 sound outstandin­g (as do all the recipes in her section). Her descriptio­n ‘Crisp on the outside and chewy and bursting with flavour on the inside’ is what foodie dreams are made of.

We’re proud to plate up another great issue of and here are some of the lovely people behind Bel Bonnor Commercial Manager @belbonnor Where have you eaten out recently and enjoyed?

AThe Gusstop Café on Pitt St is an absolute gem! Gorgeous food and lovely staff – their Mediterran­ean breakfast is top-tier. I recommend leaving with a cheeky slice and a jar of shakshuka to make at home.

Tell us about something you’ve cooked this month.

AThe Tarragon and Chicken Meatballs with Creamy Leek Orzo from issue 115 have been an absolute hit in our household! You know it’s a keeper when your foodie friends ask for the recipe afterwards. It has been great to see the rest of the dish community loving this one too!

What recipe are you most excited about in this issue?

AI love that this collection is all about making your grocery budget go further! I’ll definitely be whipping up the Banoffee Tray Bake on page 96 next weekend, and I’m very keen to try the One-pot Lamb Madras on page 48 too.

Síana Clifford Sub-editor @sianac Where have you eaten out recently and enjoyed?

AA friend and I went to Middle Eastern restaurant Advieh for a beautiful wine-matched lunch. The lamb neck shawarma was a messy but magnificen­t main and I’m still thinking about the snack: fresh-out-ofthe-oven Turkish pide with za’atar and whipped butter – talk about making a fabulous first impression!

Tell us about something you’ve cooked this month.

AA friend sent me a photo of her (vegan) roast dinner and I realised I hadn’t indulged in a roast all winter! With spring fast approachin­g, I got on to remedying that tout de suite with one of Farro’s stuffed deboned turkey roasts and went all out with dauphinois­e, cauliflowe­r cheese and of course gravy. No regrets.

What recipe are you most excited about this issue?

AClaire’s Crispy Fried Haloumi and Broccolini Salad with Smoky Currant and Cumin Dressing (page 72) uses ingredient­s I always have to hand in such a simple yet original way so I’ll definitely be giving that a go.

it! Yvonne Lorkin Drinks Editor @yvonnemax_ Where have you eaten out recently and enjoyed?

AIt’s a rare thing that I’d ever be in Auckland and not find a few minutes to sneak into Alma for tapas. It’s my happy place and I implore everyone to go there. Before I even attempt to describe the deliciousn­ess of the food, I must tell you about the deliciousn­ess of the staff. There is always someone calm and zen at the front desk. This is important because I always arrive with seven suitcases (because I commute) and they whisk them away, stash them somewhere and usher me in like a proper, I-do-this-all-the-time, big-city person. The wait staff will shepherd chef Jo Pearson’s plates of open-flame cooked perfection to you like alms of Andalusian awesomenes­s.

Tell us about something you’ve cooked this month.

APrawn omelettes from an old 1970s Chinese cookbook.

What recipe are you most excited about in this issue?

AI eat disturbing amounts of cheese scones. Can’t help it. So when I see a recipe titled The Ultimate Cheese, Mustard and Chilli Scones (page 92), then I have no choice but to make it.

“Trust me, you’ll love it.” Those were the encouragin­g words from Queensland designer Di Henshall when making over the country home of her clients Jane and Stan

Her words proved true, particular­ly when it comes to the warm and vibrant green kitchen. One of the standout features of the kitchen is the custom cabinetry painted in the oliveleaf shade of Resene Easy Rider. The walls are painted in fresh Resene Half Lemon

Grass with a ceiling in Resene Ceiling

Paint White.

Di says the brief for the project was wide open. “They just wanted to see what I could do with their existing outdated, burgundy and cream kitchen, which was long past its use-by date.”

The choice to use verdant greens as the hero of a new colour scheme was obvious, given the home’s country location, and the fact that Stan is a world-leading authority on bromeliads and palms.

“They are surrounded by rolling green hills and beautiful tropical landscapin­g. My intention was to bring the beauty and serenity of the outside into the kitchen, reflecting much of what can be seen immediatel­y outside the windows,” Di says.

The lush colour scheme is accentuate­d by an eye-catching mosaic splashback, which Di designed to emulate falling leaves in a contempora­ry way, further connecting the

kitchen to its surroundin­gs. The kitchen was widened as part of the renovation allowing for the addition of a central kitchen island, which added more bench space and allowed space for a second oven.

“Di did a great job designing my kitchen,” Jane says. “I do a lot of cooking and I cook for a lot of people. It’s nothing for us to have 15 to 20 people over, so my only brief to her was that it had to ‘work’.

“My previous kitchen did not work. It was large and quite pretty, but it simply didn’t work. Power points were placed nowhere useful, and there weren’t many of them, so part of the brief to Di was ‘power points, power points, power points’.

“I have a lot of things happening in the kitchen at any one time. The cooktop was too close to the wall so I couldn’t put large pots on the stove – useless! And though there appeared to be plenty of counter space it was wasted. Now, with the kitchen island, every time I take something from the ovens I have somewhere to put it.

“The colour evolved from the rest of the interior of the house. The green goes right through the common rooms of the interior and blends in with the gardens outside.”

TOP TIP: Take a photo of your colour inspiratio­n and upload it to the Resene Colourmatc­h tool at­honline to find a similar Resene shade.

Resene White

Describe your cooking style

Jane: “Anything, really. No particular style. It just depends on the weather, the time of year, the guests…”

What is your favourite part of this kitchen?

Jane: The kitchen island.

Which recipe from this issue of would you like to cook and why?


Jane: All of them! They all sound amazing, but if I had to choose, I might go with the Dark and Stormy Sticky Ginger and Oaty Cake.

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