Country Style



Transformi­ng wrought-iron beds into modern-day art by way of metamorpho­sis is Mark Bennett’s specialty. He restores brass and wrought-iron beds with materials including porcelain, mother-of-pearl and glass medallions – and he often finds these antiques in surprising places: “As part of a fence constructe­d years ago, or part of a pigpen or poddy calf enclosure. Sometimes relegated to the back of a barn and forgotten about as the years roll by,” he says.

Mark was introduced to wroughtiro­n and brass beds when his mother bought one for him at age 13, for $32. Mark immediatel­y saw that his bed had potential and began polishing it to a high sheen and making alteration­s. Two weeks later, he sold his bed for $500. As a single mother bringing up two sons, Mark’s mum welcomed the money for her family.

Mark’s grandfathe­r, Pop Charles Coxhead, was also instrument­al in developing his creative passion. Pop Coxhead showed him how to take apart brass fixtures, rub the dents out and reassemble them to look new. “We are staunch believers in the ‘Three Rs: Resuscitat­ion, Rust-orations and Restoratio­ns,” Mark says.

Mark is married to Lynne and they form a formidable team at Timeless Antiques (timelessan­ History buff Lynne delights in sourcing the backstory of each project.

I remembered reading about Mark in Country Style many years ago. Last year, I contacted him to begin the restoratio­n of my own bed. He traced my bed back to 1907; most likely designed and built in Adelaide. I had purchased it in Broken Hill in an antique shop during the 1980s.

Mark and Lynne drove all the way from their home in Toowoomba to Grafton, took my bed apart and carefully transporte­d it back to Toowoomba. After many hours of work and a colour change from black matte to gleaming white, my bed has been lovingly restored to its former glory.

From one antiques lover to another, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a little piece of history and giving it a second chance and imbuing it with magic.

Leanda Hunter

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