Country Style



this tucked up in bed on the very first day of winter. Unlike the autumn we have just had – full of sunshine and warm days – today does feel very wintry indeed. The trees are lashing my bedroom window, it’s overcast and there is a chill in the air. This weather has taken me by surprise and I admit to being behind schedule in readying the house for the cold. I’ll spend the rest of the day packing away summer clothes and replacing them with coats, jumpers and scarves. Wool throws will be placed on the arms of the sofas, and oil heaters will swap places with the fans.

I’m looking forward to slow-cooking Australian Pork with cider and apples – a family favourite – and making delicious soups and stews (see page 106 for recipe ideas). I’m also eager to get out of the city and enjoy the winter delights that only feel right in the country: open fires, staying in all day and cooking, long, blustery walks, and leisurely Sunday drives.

While I dream of one day moving back to the country, many people have done just that this past year. We speak to them about the realities of leaving the city behind and adjusting to life in regional Australia (see page 46).

Of course, tales of living in the country after years in the city was the inspiratio­n for our beloved Country Squire column and this is the first issue in 34 years that does not include the musings of Rob Ingram, who is still in Dunedoo with The Chosen One. Rob’s column retires with him and is replaced by A Day in the Country, another reader favourite.

I hope you enjoy the issue.

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Follow me on Instagram @kylie.imeson

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