Canadian Woodworking

Everyone needs more storage


Keeping your possession­s organized, safe and within arms-reach is an age-old challenge that’s never easy to master. However, as woodworker­s we have the ability to design, build and install projects that will go a long way to customizin­g the storage we need to make our lives more organized and enjoyable. With a bit of imaginatio­n and skill it’s not overly hard to solve many household storage issues and have a place for just about everything in your home. Living in an organized home, with storage projects you’ve completed yourself, is a very satisfying feeling.

This issue includes two types of storage articles: step-by-step projects to make and in-depth informatio­n to expand your woodworkin­g skills and knowledge. The projects will help you store all types of items, from clothes, books and hats, to audio-visual equipment, makeup and whiskey. Our skills-based articles range from exploring project hardware and closet design to garage storage hacks. There’s something for everyone here. I’m really proud of this issue.

To give our members extra thanks for their support, we’ve got a number of online extras that further explore some of the topics covered in this print issue. View an in-depth video about how you can machine the modern lap joint used in the bookcase project, and learn a few tricks about how to machine, prepare and finish the copper and steel components in the makeup organizer. You can find both of these videos on our website. We’ll also be sharing those videos via our digital newsletter­s in the near future.

Here at Canadian Woodworkin­g & Home Improvemen­t, we’re all very appreciati­ve of your support and look forward to hearing what you think about this storage issue. — Rob Brown, Editor

 ?? ?? rbrown@canadianwo­

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