Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)




1 Emergency (6) 4 Shade of brown of old photograph­s (5)

8 Fa y part of milk (5) 11 Make or become smaller (6)

13 String instrument (5) 14 Business emblem (4) 16 Bread mass (4) 18 Ladder steps (5) 19 Private instructor (5) 20 Australian acacia (6) 21 Mud, bog (4) 22 Donkey’s heehaw (4) 23 First mentioned of two (6) 27 Lebanese capital (6) 30 Train track (4) 32 Failure (4)

34 Higher political house (6)

37 Icy layer (5)

39 Garret (4)

40 Ooze (4)

41 Spooky, mysterious (5) 42 Long-distance walker (5) 43 Group of notes (5) 44 Smallest piglet of a li er (4) 45 Air-duct opening (4) 46 Of the nose (5) 52 Sufficient (6) 55 Inexpensiv­e (5) 57 Protective kitchen garment (5) 58 North African desert (6) 60 Wars of the ---, civil war in England from 1455 to 1487 (5)

61 Plum ---, boiled pudding (4) 64 Stringed toy (4) 65 Wash out soap suds (5) 66 Largest Greek island (5) 67 Fail to hit (4)

68 WA city and seaport (9) 70 Sketched (4) 73 Feathers (6)

75 Denim pants (5) 77 Scale, mount (5) 79 Insect antenna (6) 80 Major artery (5) 83 Water vegetation (5) 87 Retitle (6)

88 Daily record (5) 89 --- corporal, military rank (5)

90 Desk receptacle (6) 92 Let fall (4) 95 Believable (9) 99 Bivalve mollusc (4) 101 Spry (5) 102 Garden pest (5) 103 Head honcho (4) 105 Prayer ending (4) 106 Steak ---, meat dish (5) 107 Hypnotised state (6) 108 Banish (5)

110 Of the countrysid­e (5) 112 Sew (6)

113 Permit (5)

116 Truce (4)

118 Mardi ---, carnival (4) 120 Fortunate (5) 123 Contend, debate (5) 126 Pith helmet (5) 129 Baking chamber (4) 130 Ballerina’s skirt (4) 131 On two occasions (5) 132 Sign of the Bull (6) 134 Heap (4) 135 Portent (4)

136 Go to sleep (3,3) 140 Kind of hound (6) 143 Receptacle for liquid or gas (4) 144 Metallic element (4) 146 Leave (6)

148 --- Saxon, Old English (5) 151 Escort in (5) 153 Amount owing (4) 154 Compassion (4) 155 From then on (5) 156 Concealed (6) 157 Run off to marry (5) 158 Si (5) 159 Metallic element, symbol Ag (6)


2 Yell (5) 3 Points tally (5) 4 Anon (4)

5 Light refractor (5) 6 Bird house (6) 7 Burden (4) 8 Yellow songbird (6) 9 Vacant, hollow (5) 10 Thaw (4)

11 Neck warmer (5) 12 Stationery item for drawing straight lines (5) 15 Make a speech (5) 17 Skilled (5)

24 Earlier (5) 25 Laziness (5)

26 --- and span, neat and clean (5) 27 Ointment (4) 28 Proportion (5)

29 A empted (5)

31 Dip into liquid (7) 33 Igniter (7) 34 Clipped of wool (5) 35 Birds’ homes (5) 36 Glimpse (4) 37 Fronded plant (4) 38 Domesticat­ed (4) 47 Not very o en (6) 48 Way of pronunciat­ion (6) 49 Be quiet (4)

50 Sharp cutlery items (6) 51 Conditiona­l release (6) 53 Unjustly (8) 54 Inheritors (5) 56 Verify (5)

57 Thing of value (5) 58 Rescued (5) 59 Allergic infection (3,5) 62 Overcome (6) 63 Picturesqu­e (6)

69 At a distance (4) 71 Group of four (7)

72 The more the ---, saying (7)

74 Find the answer to a problem (5) 75 Jested (5)

76 Asian peanut sauce (5) 77 Bactrian or dromedary (5) 78 Lever that stops a car (5) 79 Cooked in oil (5)

81 --- Ford, Indiana

Jones actor (8) 82 Occur (6) 84 Vacancies (4)

85 Put money into with the hope of a return (6) 86 Squid prepared as food (8)

91 Regular practices (6) 93 Glue (5)

94 Word used with or (6) 96 Dwelling (5) 97 Purchaser (5)

98 Part by which something is held (6) 99 Group of school children (5) 100 Mexican cloak (6) 104 Cooking fat (4) 109 Endanger (7) 111 Speaking platform (7) 114 Of the moon (5) 115 Hospital rooms (5) 117 Young male horse (4) 119 Gardening tool (4) 120 Yellow citrus fruit (5) 121 Quoted (5) 122 Entertaine­r of guests (4) 124 Pictorial chart (5) 125 Legal excuse (5) 127 Practical joke (5) 128 Sleeve end (4) 133 Astound (5) 137 Foremost (5) 138 Injudiciou­s, ill-considered (6) 139 Dried plums (6) 141 Located (5)

142 Claw (5)

143 Japan’s capital (5) 145 Tend the sick (5) 146 Percussion instrument­s (5) 147 Opening in the iris of the eye (5) 149 Donated (4)

150 List of dishes (4) 152 Animal skin, pelt (4)

 ?? ??

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