Good Food

“Now I walk tall and proud”

Since using Nutracheck, Lee has seen his health improve ĊÌ ìðį AEĎĊŤÌÐĊAE­Ð ĮďīȘ >Ðīðș ìð ĮÌĪÐĮ ìðį Įĵďīř


I use it every day and it takes me minutes

When Lee was 42 years old, he unexpected­ly suffered a heart attack. As a frequent gym goer who had maintained a relatively steady weight throughout most of his adult life, he was understand­ably shocked, leading him to switch-up his habits.

“I always ate what I wanted because I was regularly at the gym, but when my heart attack stopped me exercising, I noticed my weight gradually increasing,” recalls the 47-year-old care worker. “I didn’t immediatel­y change my diet. I saw a specialist consultant who told me my cholestero­l was on the rise again. I had two options: I could either take a medication that would give me gout or lose weight – I chose the second option!”


To keep on top of what he was eating, Lee downloaded the Nutracheck app in April 2022 and found it to be a total gamechange­r that took him from 14st 10lbs down to 12st 2lbs. “It’s so easy to use and never a burden,” he says. “Before making my meals, I get everything out on the counter, quickly scan the barcodes, go through the app and then get cooking. I use it every day and it takes me minutes.”

Lee discovered other benefits as well. “I’ve really enjoyed using the forums. There’s a great bunch of people on there and everybody is really supportive. People will share recipes, along with their weight loss journeys, and cheer each other on.”

Beyond the kitchen, Lee has developed new passions, too. “I feel so much more confident in myself, and my wife has even noticed the difference. I’m wearing brighter clothes and I’m walking three miles every day. Now, I walk tall and proud, whereas before I’d be all hunched over and just shuffling along.”

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